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Extraordinary similarities in dolphin and human embryogenesis. We explain

Embryogenesis refers to the process of embryo development from fertilization of the egg to the formation of a complete fetus. Although dolphins and humans belong to different taxonomic groups (dolphins are marine mammals and humans are terrestrial primates), they share some similarities in their embryogenesis because they are both placental mammals.

In placental mammals, the embryo develops inside the mother’s uterus, where it receives nutrients and oxygen through the placenta. During embryo development, similar structures are formed in both dolphins and humans, such as the notochord, the formation of the three germ layers, the formation of the umbilical vesicle and the formation of the placenta.

In addition, both dolphins and humans undergo a similar developmental process in which the embryo goes through a series of stages, such as segmentation, gastrulation and neurulation, before the different organs and systems begin to develop.

It is important to note that although there are similarities in embryogenesis between dolphins and humans, there are also significant differences due to the unique adaptations of each species to their environment and lifestyle.

Dolphins have many similarities to humans beyond those that may be visible at first glance, there are others:

– They have specialized brain cells dedicated to intelligent thinking.

– They can experience complex feelings and emotions such as empathy.

– They have sophisticated problem-solving skills.

– They can recognize themselves in a mirror.

– They can form close groups of friends.

– They call each other names and call each other by name.

– They structure their lives by forming a specific social group.

– They communicate with each other in their own language.

– They are mammals

– They have a belly button

– They have nostrils for breathing.

– They depend on oxygen from the air to live, as well as fresh water.

Extra data

Dolphins belong to the Dolphinidae family (Delphinidae) (cetaceans with teeth). They are also part of the mammal class. One of the best known and most notable characteristics of dolphins is their intelligence. It is known, for example, that they possess a language formed by a series of sounds and ultrasonic pulses emitted directly by the larynx, and with which they communicate with each other. They are also endowed with a great capacity for learning.

Dolphins belong to a large family containing about 32 species. The boto is the smallest dolphin, with a length of less than 1.2 m; the largest is the bottlenose dolphin, which can reach 3 m in length. Despite its size, the killer whale is considered to be a dolphin (measuring about 9 m).

CURIOSITIES OF THE FETUS: The dolphin fetus, an animal that can never fall completely asleep, because its breathing process is not autonomous.

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Esta entrada también está disponible en: Español

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