The Dark Side of Technology: Places Most Contaminated

The Dark Side of Technology: Places Most Contaminated

In the 19th and 20th centuries, fossil fuels drove the global economy and politics, forming alliances, shaping economies, and inciting wars. However, in the 21st century, other natural resources have become the most valued, revealing the dark side of technology. For instance, China built an empire around technology, securing a steady supply of minerals used …

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Otters and the Mystery of Their Favorite Stone

Otters and the Mystery of Their Favorite Stone

Regardless of their age, otters have a peculiar habit that sets them apart: they carry a favorite stone with them throughout their entire lives. You’ve probably seen in photos or videos how these adorable creatures swim on their backs, holding something in their front paws. Often, this can be their food or even their offspring. …

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Scientist Figures Out How Many T. Rex Ever Existed, And It’s Terrifying

The Tyrannosaurus rex is dinosaur royalty, an iconic and instantly identifiable species – and according to a new study, as many as 1.7 billion of these beasts roamed Earth before an unfortunate meeting with an asteroid. It takes a lot of number crunching to figure this out, everything from average lifespan to sexual maturity to …

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Scientists actually managed to translate chimpanzee language for the first time

Scientists have moved one step closer to decoding the languages that animals like chimpanzees use to communicate. According to a new study published, chimpanzees have specific words, or noises, that signify different human words, and they can even be combined into “syntactic-like structures,” creating a unique chimpanzee language. The research began following anecdotal data that …

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Video shows elusive ‘alien-looking’ squid swimming in the Atlantic Ocean

Scanning the floor of the Atlantic Ocean, scientists searched for a type of deep-sea hydrothermal vent. Instead, they spotted a rarely seen squid swimming along. Video footage shows the mesmerizing creature. Schmidt Ocean Institute, a California-based research group, was exploring the Mid-Atlantic Ridge with a remotely operated underwater vehicle on April 3, according to a …

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Deepest ever fish caught on camera off Japan

Scientists photographed a snailfish swimming 8,336 meters below sea level near Japan, making it the deepest recorded fish ever caught on camera. Previously, the deepest recorded fish was spotted 8,178 meters down in the Mariana Trench, according to BBC News. Scientists dropped an autonomous “lander” camera into the Izu-Ogasawara Trench near Japan and filmed the …

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