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The Tomb of Victor Noir and Its “Famous” Legend

The Tomb of Victor Noir and Its "Famous" Legend

In Paris, there exists a tomb that attracts far more people than that of any famous artist; it’s the burial place of Victor Noir. Never underestimate the power of eroticism and libido; sexual desire can be awakened anywhere, even in a cemetery.

Victor Noir and His Peculiar Attraction

The Tomb of Victor Noir and Its "Famous" Legend

Paris, known for its catacombs and Gothic cemeteries, has a rich tradition surrounding death, architecture, and funerary sculpture. Among the notable personalities buried in the French capital, such as Oscar Wilde or Edith Piaf, one tomb stands out for remarkable reasons – that of Victor Noir.

Victor Noir was a prominent French journalist whose death at the hands of Prince Pierre Bonaparte in confusing circumstances had significant political consequences in 1870. His massive funeral reflected the public outrage over his killer’s acquittal.

In his memory, sculptor Jules Dalou created a lifelike bronze figure that stands atop his grave in the Père-Lachaise Cemetery. Over time, Noir’s sculpture has become more renowned for an unusual feature in his pants than for his journalistic figure.

The Popular Belief

The Tomb of Victor Noir and Its "Famous" Legend

Victor Noir’s “package” has become the focus of numerous legends associated with fertility. Some believe that touching the statue on the lips, placing a flower in his hat, and rubbing his genital area will increase their chances of having children.

Others think this erotic ritual will bring a happy sex life or a husband in the coming year. Due to decades of touching, the area around his genitals shows noticeable wear and shine compared to the rest of the greenish bronze; the revealing spot seems to be the result of persistent touches.

This phenomenon, which became uncontrollable both literally and figuratively, led to the installation of a fence around the tomb to prevent inappropriate incidents. However, popular pressure and the desire to partake in the ritual were so great that they led to the removal of the fence.

Even the famous American actress Dita Von Teese, known as the queen of burlesque and eroticism, wanted to explore the mystery of Noir and documented her visit.

Regardless of our personal thoughts on the matter, what truly stands out is the power of legends, myths, and popular beliefs, especially when it comes to having an enjoyable tim

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