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Flying ambulance soars at 460 km/h and cuts emergency response times to 8 minutes

California company Jump Aero has revealed its groundbreaking flying ambulance, the JA1 Pulse, with the aim of revolutionizing emergency response times. This futuristic vehicle, designed to reach speeds of up to 288 mph, is poised to arrive at emergency scenes in just eight minutes.


The JA1 Pulse employs electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) technology, allowing it to land in challenging terrains. It is capable of carrying one trained professional and emergency equipment to “unimproved landing zones” in rural areas, enabling rapid response to emergency situations.

The vehicle is designed to achieve dash speeds of 250 knots, making it the “fastest form of sustainable personal transportation.” Jump Aero’s goal is to reach any location within a 50km radius in less than eight minutes.

Jakob Riis, CEO of Falck, expressed excitement about partnering with Jump Aero to enhance emergency services, particularly in hard-to-access locations. The company aims to have the JA1 Pulse available on the market by 2027.

Lt. Col. John Tekell, from the U.S. Air Force Agility Prime Program, noted that Jump Aero’s aircraft concept and development strategy, focusing on rapid emergency response, has potential applications in defense-related scenarios and complements other eVTOL programs engaged by the U.S. Air Force. Collaboration with Jump Aero is expected to help advance their dual-use technology.

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