
Over 2,000 mummified ram heads discovered at the Temple of Ramses II in Abydos, Egypt

In the ancient temple of Ramses II in Abydos, Egypt, at least 2,000 mummified ram heads dating from the Ptolemaic period and an Old Kingdom palatial structure have been discovered, according to antiquities officials on Saturday. In the temple, mummified ewes, dogs, wild goats, cows, gazelles, and mongooses were also found alongside the ram heads. …

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Giant anaconda harassed by reckless fishermen: the full story behind the viral video

Once again, the power of social media has exposed a group of individuals who incriminated themselves by harassing protected wildlife. The incident took place on the Santa Maria River in southwestern Brazil, where a group of fishermen decided to poke a huge snake hidden on the ledge with their wooden rods. The odyssey lasted a …

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