
For the first time, NASA spacecraft goes through a violent solar explosion and survives unscathed

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe achieved a historic milestone by becoming the first spacecraft to fly through a coronal mass ejection (CME) from the sun and capturing the event on camera. This remarkable video footage shows the probe navigating through the massive solar eruption on September 5, 2022. The spacecraft traveled through the turbulent wake of …

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VIDEO: Unusual Mammatus Clouds Appear in China

VIDEO: Unusual Mammatus Clouds Appear in China

On August 19th, the skies over Du Hubei, China, witnessed a rare meteorological phenomenon: mammatus clouds. Videos shared on social media quickly went viral due to the peculiar appearance of this phenomenon, which, despite its soft and fluffy look, raised concerns among some people due to its association with the possibility of storms. Despite the …

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New NASA video shows just how big black holes really are

A new NASA animation puts the size of 10 supermassive black holes into perspective — by showing how some of them simply dwarf our entire Solar System. Black holes: Black holes are points in space where gravity is so strong, even light can’t escape its pull. The point of no return around a black hole …

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Video shows elusive ‘alien-looking’ squid swimming in the Atlantic Ocean

Scanning the floor of the Atlantic Ocean, scientists searched for a type of deep-sea hydrothermal vent. Instead, they spotted a rarely seen squid swimming along. Video footage shows the mesmerizing creature. Schmidt Ocean Institute, a California-based research group, was exploring the Mid-Atlantic Ridge with a remotely operated underwater vehicle on April 3, according to a …

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